February 4, 2011

Whatever you are, be a good one. (Tip of the Day)

     If only there was one way to completely change your life…Oh, wait there is! Being positive can be really hard sometimes, especially when you have a headache, your fish died, and you just failed a class. It gets tough, but there is times when you do need to be mad and scream, it’s just finding that happy in between place.      Being positive about who you are and what you do can change your whole life. If you are positive about yourself, and you have confidence, that's what people look for in employees. Wonder why your not getting that promotion? That could be why. People look for leaders, and what do leaders have? Confidence. So if you are feeling good, then you are doing good. So next time you are feeling like you are bad at something, your wrong, it’s your area of improvement. If you start thinking like that, and just practicing whatever area you need to improve in. You will be amazed at what you can do. So just give it a try! :)
     Ways to be positive are, use positive language whether you believe it or not. Find things that make you happy, or want to be positive, for example, the movie Legally Blond makes me want to be a nicer and more positive person. So I put a picture of her by my mirror so every time I look at it I am reminded. Start thinking about things you take for granted, like the person who makes your coffee in the morning, or your best friend who brought you a sandwich the other day. Learn to see the little things and appreciate them. So before you go to bed say thank you out loud and think about all the good things that happened, big or small. Find a music that makes you pumped to have a great day, something that makes you smile and want to dance. Listen to that in the morning to get you started in a good way.
     I hope this helps you out, if you have any questions or comments please let me know I would be delighted to answer you. If you are having any problems in your life please feel free to comment, if you think your comment is too personal, just tell and I will reply and not post it on my blog. :) I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. :)

            Emily Smith.

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